People have also been confused at the thought of buying car insurance and buying car insurance is not a very it not a very enjoyable thing. The reason being, buying an insurance policy calls for spending money and no individual likes to spend money. Whether we like it or not, it is mandatory to buy import car insurance.People who love cars and who do not mind spending extra in undertaking modifications to their cars really feel for their cars. Such people love to show off their cars and are bigheaded on owning such a prized possession. Thus people who own such modified cars would find it a little difficult to identify modified car insurance. Many of the insurers will not provide coverage for modifications undertaken by you. The car would be insured depending on the market value at that particular point of time, if you want to write off the car. You might have spent a fortune undertaking modifications to your car, to make it sparkle and stand out, but the insurers would turn a deaf ear and would not agree to pay for all the hardships undertaken by you. This would be a total loss if you have gone in for a bought import car insurance policy.The insurers are getting enlightened on the fact that the greater the modifications, the greater the individual would take care of the car and the individual would never apply for a claim. Thus, the company offers an insurance cover.Buying import car insurance policy for individuals opting for classic cars is definitely lower as compared to the latest and modern vehicles. Many insurers offer low premiums if your car is five years old. If you are a proud member of the club, you are also entitled to some discounts offered by these clubs. When buying Import Car insurance policy, check out whether your insurer is aware of the reason behind buying the car. There are many car lovers who buy cars just for fun, still some others love cars and love to show off their cars.When you intend buying import car-insurance policy for race cars, many insurers refrain from providing coverage to such cars. Many conventional insurers feel that there is high danger when it comes to this sport. Hence, it is advised that you do your research well and identify insurance companies which offer such a policy. It is advised that you check out the terms and conditions, the coverage offered the premium etc before settling for the insurance company. The reason why many insurers do not favor this policy is due to the insecurity associated with the sport. Reckless driving and aggression are forewords are pre requisites when it comes to racing and hence the insurers do not want to take this risk.Nevertheless, it is advised that prior to buying import car-insurance, it is better to differentiate and understand the type of car for which you intend buying import car insurance, so that you know what to expect.