Is Cedar Finance Legit? Why People Lose Their Money In It?

Hi to everyone, today i just found out some interesting fact about cedar finance which i wanted to tell you all. We all know what is cedar finance, but for those who don’t know i will explain it fast. cedar finance is a binary trading platform that you can invest money and do binary trading, which is a type of trading that you predict price of a stock or currency and you will make money if you predict right, and if you don’t you will lose your money. So as i was doing some research about cedar finance, I’ve found that cedar finance was mentioned by many big news sources like Google and yahoo finance which i put the link below in the description, but the funny thing is many people lose their money in it and called it scam. I lost my money in there and after a while i recovered, but the question is why people lose their money? The biggest mistake that people make about cedar finance is they thing they will be reach in 2 days while they haven’t read 2 lines about finance world in their life! Cedar finance is real finance world and if you go to finance world with no experience, you are a looser already! I lost all of my money in there, but how i recovered? i didn’t and still don’t have any experience in finance and when you don’t have experience, the best way to make money from cedar finance is coping a professional. I have this website, which you can subscribe to this guy’s system and he will email you and signal you to what to do, and this is how you can make money from cedar finance, like a pro! Subscription to this system is 97$ for two weeks. You might say 97$ is a lots of money, but compare to money you will make from cedar finance using this and also this little investment will guarantee your money in cedar finance, it will be nothing to you. I just made over 500$ last week using this guy’s system. Also remember to not use the 60 second trading, because it is impossible to predict next 60 second in finance world. i have the link to his subscription system and also cedar finance in the description, check it out and remember, if you don’t have any experience, don’t trade alone in cedar finance.